Info :
“With Serpents Scourge” is the essence of unholy death metal blasphemy from NECROWRETCH, France's hottest death metal export since Loudblast, Massacra and Mercyless!!
With the recruitment of Ilmar as NECROWRETCH's new drummer the band has managed to push their limits further than ever before, delivering their filthiest, most ruthless but yet most diverse material to date.
NECROWRETCH have retained their bestial intensity while adding a touch of melody as well. Expect a ferocious mix of Sweden's MERCILESS, the insane fury of classic IMPALED NAZARENE and a dose of mid 90's black/death!
Re-issue, 500x CD in jewelbox (clear tray), inlay 2pp., full-color on 135g art paper, booklet 16pp., full-color on 135g art paper, all assembled and cellophaned.
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