Format : 33T Label : Redefining Darkness Pressage : REDA075C - USA Année : 2019
Etat général : Réédition neuf
Info :
"..this translates as something like Skeletonwitch playing The Exploited or Dead Kennedys covers...With the longest of these ten songs clocking in at just three and a half minutes, including a Misfits cover, Wraith are certainly channeling the punk ethos into their pretty straight-up thrash. Indeed at times, including the start of first track “Devil's Hour,” you could be forgiven for thinking you were actually listening to an out-and-out punk record. At least until the vocals kick in. Guitarist Matt Sokol also handles mic duties and his delivery owes a lot to Cronos, with a nod to something like Deströyer 666." - Angry Metal Guy
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