THROAT Blood Exaltation

Media: CD
Label : Primitive Reaction
Press : PR061CD - Poland
Year : 2024

New or Used : Original new

Info : Hailing from the always-vibrant Polish black metal scene, THROAT are miasmic morbidity personified. While so many of their domestic contemporaries honor the paradigmatic sounds of the Temple of the Fullmoon, THROAT instead mine a wider, wilder style of black metal that looks both east and south. Theirs is a clanging, crunching sound that variously nods to Necromantia, Mor-tuary Drape, Hungary's Tormentor, early Samael, and fellow Polish iconoclasts Cultes des Ghoules: catacombed, ancient, unset-tling.
To date, THROAT released the debut demo New Flesh Nectar in 2020 on the esteemed Fallen Temple label, and now conspire with PRIMITIVE REACTION to add that portentous recording with a new EP titled Blood Exaltation. Totaling four tracks in 33 minutes, the Blood Exaltation collection stands as a terrifying testament to THROAT's eldritch black metal horror: a bridge from the past to the present, scorched by fires unknown but reeking of delirium-inducing sulfur all the same. The potency of the two-song Blood Exaltation EP presents the trio in their current sonic incarnation, more gutted and (s-l-o-w-l-y) grinding, a protracted spelunk among shapeshifting landscapes whereby throat, strings, and skin chafe together in a vulgar manner. The earlier New Flesh Nec-tar demo displays THROAT at their most atmospheric; partially due to the distant recording, partially due to more wide-open spaces they were sowing, the two songs on this introductory recording nevertheless retain a palpitating creepiness, particularly when they drop the tempo down to a tribal trudge - an element they'd explore further on this collection's namesake recording. Shed thy skin for this Blood Exaltation!

12.50 EUR
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