The band was found to create truly melancholic and desperate soundscapes and to unravel the blackened thoughts, the blessing and the curse of the inability to think either black or white nor inbetween. To narrate about the ability to find clarity in madness positivity in the negativity shelter in the dark...
To point it out clear! The band is dedicated to the searching, not to the self-pity. Totalselfhatred is a symbol for ressurrection through pain. A pool for the frustrated for the despereate in life, for those living and bleeding towards a higher truth, to crush the circles of self-inflicted suffering! For I am my worst enemy...
S/T [../../2007]
APOCALYPSE IN YOUR HEART [21/02/2011] CD and limited LP (500 copies)
1./ Apocalypse 2./ At War With Myself 3./ A Teardrop Into Eternity 4./ Ascension 5./ Anything 6./ Dripping Melancholy 7./ Cold Room Starstained
A. - Vocals, Guitar, Keyboards C. - Vocals, Guitar J. - Guitar, Keyboards, Vocals N. - Bass I. - Drums M. - Keyboards
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